Practical Teaching Experience – Reflection


Today my group members (Clownfish) and I presented our lesson plan today.  It was rather fun and exciting to use these technologies to express our content to others.  You can find more information and our lesson materials in the page labeled “Practical Teaching Experience”.

Reflection on UDL & TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge)

I feel that our lesson plan provides means for multiple ways of representation, participation, and expression.  We utilized readings (in their homework), interactive lectures where students had times of participation in the lecture (board polls, and activities).  Students were able to join in class discussions, and smaller group discussions in order to understand the content.  One think that our lesson produced was means for understanding and comprehension.  The presentation highlighted the big idea and minimized the new terms, provide a few resources to understand the idea of globalization (video, cartoon, and discussions). We were able to utilized a few ways of expression through the SMARTboard and class activity.  Students were able to write on the board, or raise their hand or work in groups to evaluate the cartoons.

Reflection on Effectiveness

Looking back on our lesson I feel it was effective in getting some of the content across.  It is hard to be certain without working with actual 7th graders ( I feel that the topic is something that most college students are aware of so it my produce biased results).  Time management was something that was very hard to work into our lesson plan.  Having 20 mins to present a 45 min lesson was rather difficult.  However, I feel that we utilized the time well and highlighted the major activities and sections of the lesson.  One section of UDL principles that I think may need to be flushed out more is  means for action & expression when it comes to providing means of options of executive functions.  We worked on strategy development (social studies skill- Analyzing Political Cartoons) however it lacks appropriate goal setting.  I think it should be explained further why students need to be able to understand and utilize these skills in the beginning in the lesson .

Reflection on Future Instruction  

I defiantly hope that I will get the opportunity to use this lesson in the future.  I do know that I would like to update the material so that it is associate with up to date references.  One thing that I would work on, not necessarily change is ironing out the timing of this lesson/unit.  I think it is probably a little optimistic that we would be able to cover so much in one class.  But it is hard to understand timing when I haven’t been in a 7th grade class in over 10 years.  I would also work on note sheets or how they will take notes on all the big issues. It was brought up about our vocabulary which was discussed briefly and then they didn’t see it again until the review quiz.  Ideally the notes that were skipped over due to the time restriction would further reinforce the terms, but I think I would like to use a worksheet or a reading assignment like the DRL to provide more background and a chance for them to utilize the terms more.




Copyrights & Fair Use





In completing this blog,  review the sites below then post 2 copyright issues that you were familiar with and 2 copyright issues that were new to you. Explain and share any surprises, concerns, past experiences or issues regarding copyright and the TEACH Act.

Teach Act –
Copyright and Fair Use –
Copyright in the classroom –

There are so many things that makes technology so great but also so complicated.  One such example is when it gets down to understanding copy rights and fair use policies.  Two copy right issues that I was familiar with is copying materials (like DVD’s or CD’s) like software for more people to  use is defiantly in violation of copy right laws and fair use policies and the second issue is the ability of someone to copyright their stage names, slogans and such.  While being educated on Professional Wrestling (WWE & RAW) I learned that certain names can be copyrighted…interesting right? So perhaps I could copy right a new name for myself – Jess The Magnificent? Crazy idea.

However, there are a lot of issues and caveats that have to do with copy right infringement. One of the largest issue that I was unaware of was the implications of educational purposes.  The TEACH Act and the ability to copy things a certain amount of times for educational purposes.  This is extremely surprising, but also exciting because as everything is becoming interconnected it is hard to know/check if something is copyrighted.  Copyrights have always made me nervous, even in school.  I was always afraid of citing something wrong and it be considered plagiarism.  In today’s society you can simply highlight- copy – paste the materials into what ever you do.  Its something that is so easy to disobey with out a second thought and helping students understand the possible ramifications of such simple, careless mistakes.  I would defiantly want to know more about this topic because it is becoming more and more prevalent the easier it is to access information.



Technology & Understanding


Respond to the following question: What topics difficult to understand do you remember from your experiences as a K-12 student? What teaching representations or strategies for understanding these topics could you use to transform that content into forms that are pedagogically powerful, integrate technology and employ UDL principles?

One of the hardest topics for me to understand while in school was learning spanish.  I didn’t have a good grasp on english grammar – frankly I don’t think I new english grammar until I took spanish.  In highschool I was extremely busy and I hated memorizing the what seemed to be 100 words a week.  It wasnt fun, and I wasted a lot of paper and effort to receive grades of C’s.  I took a introduction to languages in 8th grade – Spanish in hopes that it would prepare me for high school….well not so much.  I learned to memorize words and some how the next day they would all be gone…and I mean gone.  I always had to start from scratch and relearn words so I could finish the class. 

Looking back I think there could be major integration of differentiation, and technology into the classroom that may have helped me more.  I didn’t see my self as a slacker, so I would have tried new things to learn the words so I didn’t look stupid in the classroom.  I think using technology can help students in reinforcing what the teacher has tought in various ways.  One website that I found that would be awesome for a couple of reasons is an old strategy updated and enhanced – Flash Cards.  The website is First students can create their own cards or the teacher can creat cards they are more exciting for a couple of reasons 1) you save paper and money; 2) you can add pictures which can help you visually see a word 3) you can add audio so that you can practice the spelling of words (a great feature); 4) it is mobile in the sense that students can take them anywhere.  They can use them online, on a phone or mobile device. 5) Students can easily type faster than write (and it be legible) and finally 6) students are able to play review games that make learning and memorizing fun! What more could you ask for?  

Aside from that, I think it is important that teachers employ technology to help students understand the grammar section of the language since I am not the exception to the rule.  Using technologies such as the white board and online activities can better represent the actions you as a teacher are doing with the sentences.  A chalk board gets messy and can not be moved without erasing or adding a bunch of arrows.  Students can learn better when they see connections easily.  Both of these methods employs multiple means of representation and other UDL principles that should be generic in today’s classroom.

Internet Safety – Child Safe Portals



The internet is a vast resource for knowledge, however that vast knowledge is on a lot of various things that may not be appropriate for children and students.  The idea that someone can search for anything and have various “tags” can bring inappropriate matter to the children’s attention.  The internet opens up a world of things that were not typically that easy to find…now unsuspecting children my find things that adults don’t even want to see.  The ability of search engines like Google,, and more provide an easy way to find material but sometimes we find material that we know in not appropriate or is not what we are looking for.  We have learned how to search for things and be explicit as to make sure we don’t want any unwanted sites.  But children do not have that ability.

What is the impact of this issue on K-12 schools, educators, and students?

The openness and connectivity of the internet provides great opportunities for schools, students, and educators.  It can be looked at as a cheaper asset than volumes of encyclopedias that are expensive and can become outdated very easily.  The internet’s ability to search various topics provides resources to all students on all topics at a moments notice.  In education today, teachers are very limited on the time that they have to instruct and complete projects.  Not to mention how these are now 21st century learners…they live and breath technology in every aspect of their lives.

However, the insecurity of the internet poses major threats to the students, educators and school systems.  It allows students to search for anything (appropriate or not) and in an instance that something in appropriate does come up, the educators, the school systems and other students are the one who gets punished as well.  We need to minimize these risks so that the internet is a vital tool for all students to continue to use in learning and understanding.


Describe how you would integrate this topic into grades 3-5 instruction

I would integrate this topic into grades 3-5 on how to properly use the internet and proper search techniques by using kid safe portals such as


Describe how you would integrate this topic into grades 5-8 instruction

In these grades we would be utilizing search engines more as portals for research, so I would work more specifically with the tools to preform a through search and research inquiry.  Continuous guidlines and a search activiy will help to teach the students how to find the materials they need.


Describe how you would integrate this topic into grades 7-9 instruction

For grades 7-9, I would have the students learn how to search for things by using guidelines or possibly use a scavenger hunt to teach the children about search engines.  I would also like to provide the students with the chance to understand website authenticity and evaluations.


Describe how you would integrate this topic into grades 9-12 instruction

For students in these grades, I would work with fellow teachers on providing the students with a opportunity for a guided research class.  Here students will learn more on finding databases and being more specific in their reach.

Additional Links:

  •  Google’s Family Center that describes all their tools for protecting children (YouTube, Android applications as well as the internet)
  • UK website for children to learn about internet security topics like cyber bullying and file sharing and more
  • This is an interactive, kid friendly web browser that is free to download
  • This is a great site for teachers to use because it is all educational based – helps keep them from going to other sites to just “look around”


Integration of Web 2.0 tools …a new must for teachers!


Great article on Connecting technology to suit the students.

As I wrote earlier, I cant say I am too far from this 21st century students….I just started using this technology in college and very minimally at that.  But from what I have learned and found, web 2.0 tools are a great assets to any classroom. It just simply a mater of finding the right tool and how you can use it.  I think that social studies is a very easy medium to fit web 2.0 tools into it- for both class management & communications as well as instruction.  These tools are not ment to make your job as a teacher harder…but easier in all forms.  As the generations get farther apart, technology is becoming ever present in our students lives.  Who knows, soon we could be teaching in the age of the Jetsons?

I intent to use these technologies to their fullest potential so that the students can connect to the content that they are being taught.  If students now are so visual in learning, than I will do what I need to do (show YouTube Videos) so they understand.  In the end it is all about the students….

It makes me anxious to see what new technologies will be available to teachers and students.  Maybe there will be a time that every student has an ipad to take home and use for the year so that if they miss a day because they are sick they can still attend a video session of the class…holograms anyone? The purpose of integration is and will be the same – for the children.  My ability to continue to understand and utilize the new tools may become slower and slower but I think I will always want to help my students learn the best way I can.

Getting to Know Universal Design for Learning

  1. At the core of UDL is the premise that often the curriculum is disabled (and disabling!). It is not flexible; it often poses barriers, and consequently prevents rather than supports optimal learning experiences. Do you agree or disagree with this view? Why or why not?

I very much agree that most curriculum, although not necessarily the lessons that I have come up with are very disconnected and disabling for learners.  In today’s society, students are self learners, they can sit down in front of a computer and figure out things that we would never think about doing unless needed to be.  They have grown and adapted to these types of changes, and so has their learning styles.  Teachers and those individuals who create curriculum often forget that these children/learners are not the same as we were when we were in school, and that each student has had different experiences and different ways of adapting and learning.  And because most people forget or do not believe in differences as a strength, the children are being taught less optimal experiences, and creates barriers.  

  1. What are the benefits of analyzing the curriculum for strengths and weaknesses rather than focusing on the student’s strengths and weaknesses? What are the challenges of this approach?

The benefits of analyzing the curriculum versus analyzing the students is that the students will always change and so will their strengths and weaknesses, however if you plan on having a universal curriculum you gain an advantage.  You would not have to continually retrofit your lessons to adapt to various learning styles the frame-work is already there.  Granted you may have to adapt here and there, but it would be nothing like continually retrofitting a lesson plan per group of learners.  



Understanding Multiple Intelligence

It might sound like something from a sci-fi movie but in actuality it is an amazing, adaptive theory on understanding individual learning styles/strengths.  MI for short was designed by Dr. Howard Gardner in 1983. Dr. Gardner is a professor of education at Harvard University that focuses on cognitive development.  The main idea behind multiple intelligence is that not all learners learn the same way.  Some students are more visual, musical, or even physical learners than the typical bland lecture.  I find myself being a learner that does not cope well with the traditional, non-interactive, boring lecture.  I need pictures, videos, explanations or experiencing/doing it for myself,  in-order to understand content that is being taught to me.

Theory of MI:

Dr. Gardner has identified 8 intelligences that are used by learners.  He identifies that learners can employ multiple intelligences in different levels and combinations rather than one standard, general intelligence.  However, he does note that no two learners are the same and no one learner is good at all the intelligences.  The theory of MI is mostly concerned with instruction and application of learning to match that of the student’s greatest strength.  Dr. Gardner and others believe that it is the role of the instructor to adequately teach their students, which they are unable to do unless they adapt the lesson to suit each students specific needs so they can best understand it.  This is a very strong and highly admired explanation for helping students gain the most out of a lesson or reaching a struggling student.  It is being adapted around the nation as a new method of instruction.  This theory is very applicable to every teacher; they do not necessarily need a lot of instruction on the methods of implementing MI into their classroom, because it is simply introducing new methods of presenting the material. Technology is one tool that MI instructors highly praise.  Technology allows teachers to introduce material with various intelligence.  For example if you want to teach your students about World War 2 you can read part of the textbook, watch a clip from the battle lines.  Than when you want to assess students you can integrate MI into your assessments as well.  You can have your students create propaganda posters for joining the war (uses art & creativity) or have them research numbers and migrations of populations and then track them on a map.  The possibilities are endless.

The 8 intelligences are:

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence — well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and rhythms of words

Mathematical-Logical Intelligence — ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical or numerical   patterns

Musical Intelligence — ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber

Visual-Spatial Intelligence — capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence — ability to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully

Interpersonal Intelligence — capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others.

 Intrapersonal Intelligence — capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes

Naturalist Intelligence — ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature



A Little Techno-Biography


Although I think that I am not that old, the rate in which technology is growing sure makes me feel ancient.  I grew up in a world of VHS and tape decks…not sure what that means? Google it! It’s amazing how in the world of education, the internet is it.  It’s the place you go to for any information, clothes or boredom cures.

When I was in secondary school, the internet was frowned upon and quite frankly underutilized.  But now the internet and technology has soared passed my technical graphing calculator and set me on a new path towards understanding, and utilizing it to teach students…although I feel that the students will always know more about technology than I will.

Since the most technical aspect of my secondary education was the overhead project – I am going to examine an exciting class that introduced myself and others (in my same outdated sense of technology)  to the new technologies of teaching! Thanks Dr. Cole! The first class in this masters program was learning how to write a specific lesson plan – THE DRL, but Dr. Cole took this class to new areas by structuring a lesson around technologies teachers can utilize (if they have it of course!)

In this class we learned the magical powers of the Promethean Board, Smart Board and Document Cameras.  For those us a little outdated…this technology was simply mesmerizing. We learned to use the Smart boards features to facilitate interactive learning from math to science.  We were all attentive and participating.  Because we were interacting with the medium as well as with our teachers and classmates there was no time for nodding off.  It kept me engaged in the topics because there were more than text-book readings to learn from, teachers used YouTube videos, flash cards, games to help us learn and connect with the content.

Although I am VERY new to this technology, its creativity and effectiveness is surely addictive…and I am glad to here that I will be placed in a county that has Smart Boards in their schools!