Lesson Plan for ISTC


Lesson Plan- Day 1

Day 1 – Unit Review & Global Economy: Review topic of the modern world & introduce new them of connections and Globalization

Goals & Objectives

Goal 1: Students will be able to explain the causes of contemporary global issues & analyze how they affect various regions, cultures & physical environments around the world.

iii. Students will analyze the connections of economic impacts and our emerging globalized world.

Goal3: Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to utilize key skills in learning and understanding knowledge.

a. Critical Thinking

ii. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability and skills to read, interpret and appraise political cartoons and their depictions and impacts on global issues.

iii. Students will be able to identify the techniques used by cartoonists to express opinions.

iv. Students will be able to interpret political cartoons and place them in the context of political discussions.


MD State Educational Goals

Student will understand the diversity and commonality, human interdependence, and global cooperation of the people of Maryland, the United States, and the World through a multicultural and a historic perspective.

Topic A: Elements of Culture

Indicator 1: Analyze Characteristics that are used to organize people into cultures


  1. Apply understandings of the elements of culture to the studies of modern world regions, such as art, music, religion, government, social structure, education, values, beliefs and customs
  2. Describe the Characteristics of a sovereign nation, such as the legitimate use of authority, autonomy, and establishment of borders
  3. Describe the characteristics of democratic and authoritarian societies


Topic B: Cultural Diffusion

Indicator 1: Analyze how diverse cultures shape a pluralistic society


  1. Identify cultural groups within a contemporary world region
  2. Describe how migration contributes to the diversity of nations and regions
  3. Analyze how cultural diffusion is influenced by factors, such as trade, migration, immigration and conflict

Indicator 2: Examine how increasing diversity in global societies results from immigration, settlement, and economic development.


  1. Examine policies related to human rights, such as foreign aid, subsidies to developing countries, ethnic persecution and economic sanctions
  2. Examine contemporary worldwide concerns that affect international relationships, such as world health, nation building, national security and human rights

Topic C: Conflict and Compromise

Indicator 1: Analyze major sources of tension, cooperation, and conflict in the world and the efforts that have been made to address them


  1. Evaluate causes of conflict in the global community, such as Apartheid, the acquisition of natural resources, the decline of communism, ethnic persecution and domestic and international terrorism
  2. Analyze and describe the efforts of world nations and groups to assist in the resolution of conflicts within and among regions, such as the United Nations, the International Red Cross/Red Crescent, USAID and other humanitarian organizations
  3. Analyze and describe efforts by nations to promote cooperation within and among those regions, such as the creation of the IMF, NAFTA, World Bank, EU and world-wide healthcare initiatives.


MD Technology Standards

Standard 2.0 – Digital Citizenship: Demonstrate an understanding of the history of technology and its impact on society, and practice ethical, legal, and responsible use of technology to assure safety. (This standard is met throughout the entire unit)


Standard 3.0 – Technology for Learning and Collaboration: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration (This standard is met throughout the entire unit & in this lesson plan)

Standard 4.0 – Technology for Communication and Expression: Use technology to communicate information and express ideas using various media formats (This standard is met throughout the entire unit & in this lesson plan)


Standard 5.0 – Technology for Information Use and Management: Use technology to locate, evaluate, gather, and organize information. (This standard is met throughout the entire unit & in this lesson plan)


Standard 6.0 – Technology for Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Demonstrate ability to use technology and develop strategies to solve problems and make informed decisions. (This standard is met throughout the entire unit & in this lesson plan)




ü  Unit Power Point Presentation

ü  SmartBoard

ü  Political Cartoon Handouts

ü  Internet Access


Warm-Up: (5 minutes)

(Students will begin the class with writing based on their homework assignment the previous night – they were required to watch any national news for 30 min. and jot down the main headlines that were discussed during that news broadcast) This warm up will be written in their Journal.

  1.  Topic: After watching the news last night, please discuss what some of the main headlines were and comment on each headline and how it affects your life.
  2. Discussion: After 5 minutes to write down their ideas. Students will be asked to share some of the main news headlines and discuss how they can affect their lives.

Introduction of New Unit: (3 minutes)

The next unit that we will be learning about is the idea of “GLOBALIZATION” and modern day issues that are present in today’s society.  At the end of this unit we will have a exciting activity that will use your previous knowledge from the class, as well as current events to understand and integrate your knowledge and analytical skills into a mock/model United Nations Forum on Global Issues.


Activities & Procedures

Understanding the Global Economy

  1. Review terms pg. 786

i.      Developed nations

ii.      Developing nations

iii.      Interdependence

iv.      Global economy

  1. Economic Systems

v.      Economic Interdependence – Economics are enclosing nations with one another, making them more dependent on each other.

  1. Exports & Imports : US Imports more than it exports
  2. Outsourcing: Cheap labor is enticing businesses to move companies & factories else were in the world.

vi.      Work force

  1. Wages – Minimum Wages
  2.  Child Labor – How it occurs & why it’s important to families.
  3. Unit Skill: Understanding & Interpreting Political Cartoons (Groups) http://www.choices.edu/resources/documents/handout_cartoons_008.pdf
    1. In this activity students will evaluate and identify the meaning of creators political cartoons.  Political cartoons provide a different type of understanding political topics in the media and how the “common” people might be effected or understand the issue.
    2. After reviewing the tools and techniques creators use in political cartoons, students will be grouped in to small groups and evaluate their own political cartoon that deals with the Global Economy.  They will work together, but complete their own work sheets on their cartoon.
    3. Then we will gather as one group and discuss our cartoons and the points addressed by the creator.
      1. Section Review & Assessment: Keepers
  4. Keepers are a form of review and highlighting of important topics taught/discussed throughout the lesson so students will be able to recall.


For homework students will work with their parents &/or guardians to evaluate their Ecological Footprints.  They will need to take notes in order to share their findings will the class the following day/class period. http://myfootprint.org/en/


                The teacher will evaluate student’s participation in the class discussions, use of journals and group work for completing the analysis of the political cartoon. For the formative assessment, students will be assessed on their completion of the group handout, SMARTboard activities, and classroom participation. A summative assessment will be completed by the students at the end of day five and will cover days 1-4 (see Appendix I). All of our assessments evaluate students’ understanding of the learning objectives.


INTASC Principles

The following INTASC Principles are applicable in both this lesson plan as well as the Unit as a whole.


Principle #1: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and the structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.

Principle #2: The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development.

Principle #3: The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.

Principle #4: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

Principle #5: The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation.

Principle #6: The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.

Principle #7: The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, the community, and curriculum goals.

Principle #8: The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the learner.

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